to pull someone's leg中文

to pull someone's leg中文

沪江词库精选pull someone ... pull someone's leg phr. 愚弄,耍弄,取笑 pull one' leg 捉弄,嘲笑,取笑 pull my leg 开玩笑 pull one's leg 逗别人,开别人玩笑,愚弄某人

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  • 沪江词库精选pull someone ... pull someone's leg phr. 愚弄,耍弄,取笑 pull one' leg 捉弄,嘲笑,取笑 pul...
    pull someone's leg是什么意思_pull someone's leg的中 ...
  • 中文 (繁體) 關注我們! 登錄 中文 (繁體) English (UK) English (US) Español Русский Português ... 「pull som...
    pull someone’s leg在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 ...
  • Pull a leg可不是扯後腿! 這個月要介紹的最後一個俚語,也是由leg這個字組成的習慣用語,叫做To pull one's leg。To pull one's...
    Pull a leg可不是扯後腿! - 你的公共電視 - Taiwan Public ...
  • pull (someone's) leg To play a joke on; tease or deceive. See also: leg, pull Want to ...
    Pull leg - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
  • 大词典网为您提供英文pull someone's leg是什么意思,pull someone's leg在线翻译,pull someone's leg翻译解...
    英文pull someone's leg是什么意思,pull someone's leg ...
  • 爱思英语在线英语词典(Online Dictionary)在线翻译为你查询pull someone's leg的中文词义,pull someone's leg的音标...
    pull someone's leg是什么意思_pull someone's leg的翻 ...
  • 下面我們要講的一個由 leg 這個字組成的習慣用語是:“to pull one's leg”,To pull one's leg 初看起來好像和中文裡的 “拉後腿”...
    第二部 第一課: to shak a leg , to pull one's leg ...
  • pull someone's leg pull strings pull tab pull the leg of pull the plug pull the wool o...
    Pull someone's leg - definition of pull someone's le ...
  • 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供pull_someone ... 爱词霸查词为您提供在线翻译、英语翻译、英文翻译、英译汉、汉译英、fanyi等权威在线翻译服务!
    pull_someone's_leg是什么意思_pull_someone's_leg的翻 ...
  • pull someone's leg To tease someone; to lead someone on; to goad someone into overreac...
    pull someone's leg - Wiktionary - Wiktionary, the free ...